TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 2016 Colour of the day: White Moon 4th quarter going Void-Of-Course 6:33 am EST and will not enter Aries until Wednesday, April 6 at 2:46 am EST. Venus enters Aries 12:50 pm EST - These energies are intense, in all aspects. We need to be direct and upfront with others and ourselves. These are also flirty, fun-loving and childlike energies. We can also find ourselves becoming impatient, or easily bored. High need for action and spontaneity. Mercury enters Taurus 7:09 pm EST - We are also entering stubborn energies, or at least on the surface they are stubborn, when really Mercury in Taurus just likes to use common sense and think things through before starting on a new venture. These don't have to be conflicting energies with Venus in Aries, rather the energies can be harnessed to create a balance between the boredom and spontaneity demands from Venus in Aries and the thoughtful and practical demands of Merc...
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SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2016 Colour of the day: Orange Moon 4th quarter going Void-Of-Course 7:16 pm EST and will be VoC until Monday, April 4 at 1:45 am EST As I've written about before on this page about Void-of-Course, it's worth repeating. Rituals done during the time when the Moon is Void-of-Course, which means it is making it's last aspect before entering the next sign (constellation), our intents just do not come to fruition, and that's at best. If the intent does manifest it may come out in an unexpected, or unwanted way. Working with the Moon's phases greatly affects our energies, and working with these energies amplifies our intent and will. As I always think about it, the Moon affects the tides, and we are roughly 80% water, it is naive to assume the Moons movements does not also affect us. CLEANSING BATH 1/3 cup Epsom salt 1/3 cup sea salt 1/3 cup baking soda Optional - a few drops of essential oil, or sachet of herbs, if you so d...
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SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2016 Colour of the day: Gray Moon 4th quarter in Aquarius - With Aquarius comes healing and regeneration. However, we must sharpen our memories, as the daydreaming energies here may have us a bit scattered. STILBITE A crystal in the zeolite family, from India. Much like many other crystals it aids in psychic abilities, intuition, psychic direction and guidance. Stilbite can assist in connecting with your Spirit Guides. Astral travel and reaching deeper states of meditation, and can help with remembering your experiences. It is associated with the upper chakras; crown, third eye, and throat, including the heart chakra. It has healing properties of removing toxins. It can help with clarity of mind, even in the most confusing situations. It is a great stone for those with ADD and ADHD. It has excellent properties of letting go. It can assist in decluttering, not just of mind, but as physical dec...
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FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2016 - LUNAR ENERGIES Colour of the day: Pink Moon 4th quarter Capricorn - Hard working, earthly and grounded energies of Capricorn. Today is about balancing and grounding. Moon Void-of-Course 12:39 pm EST and entering Aquarius 9:37 pm EST - Aquarius also asks us to be balanced. Use these energies to find common grounds with others. ALL FOOLS' DAY - The Foolish Frolic by Deborah Blake (Llewellyn, 2016) April Fools' Day. It is known as a time for playing pranks, but it is also a good time to harness your inner "fool," letting go of preconceived notions about what is proper or appropriate. On the first, or any time during the month of April, why not let yourself go? Be a little foolish, and like the birds or the rabbits, play in the sun simply for the joy of it. If you have a hard time letting go, you can say this spell first. It embraces the energies and properties of the element of Air, which also m...