The Collective Effects Us Whether We Are Aware or Not

When I say "collective" I am referring to the collective consciousness of this Earth, perhaps even the entire Universe. I have seen it work through many people that have no awareness of the other person. Think of it in terms like this, how two people on opposite ends of the earth can come up with very similar ideas and inventions, even before the internet this phenomenon was happening. There was a lot of synchronicity last week for Root / Base chakra energy and healing. I decided to run a workshop with some close friends. It turns out many of them had the same thoughts on the chakra work, then it started popping up that others were running similar workshops! It's really amazing when you think about it. This week we are running Sacral chakra energy and healing. The theme comes again, running through many different channels. People working on masculine/feminine energies, someone randomly deciding to paint a wall orange. People are gettin...