Distance Tarot Readings & How They Work

How can you do a tarot reading when you are not face-to-face with the person?

I, and many other readers, get that question often.  I have provided tarot readings in person, through my Facebook page and email.  I have read for a querent when they couldn't be live in the chat.  It all remains very accurate.  Receiving digital readings have become quite common place.  Heck, if you wanted to get an old time feel, I will mail you hand written reading. >_<  heehee

Some still wonder how....  If their energy isn't there, how can the reading be done?  Don't they need to shuffle the cards?  No.  The querent does not need to shuffle the cards.  I know many readers who don't allow anyone to touch their cards.  As someone who has done it both ways, I prefer to just shuffle the cards myself.

Energy.  Energy is all around.  Essentially we are all connected by tiny molecules.  The esoteric and scientific communities can agree on that (even if that's the only thing they agree on).  Any reader can pick up on your energy, no matter where you are in the world in relation to them.

Tarot cards are a tool.  They create a window for the reader to look into.  They guide the reader in a story, that you may find lines up with your real life story.  It is not just the cards, there is intuition involved from the reader.  The intuition comes with how do these cards apply to you, the querent.

Some readers will resonate with you more than others, just like some querents don't resonate with the reader.  I know many tarotists who have turned away good money because they could feel that the energies were incompatible.  Readings, as I have stated on my website, should be around 75% accurate.  Not everyone is going to get every detail perfect, we are still human.  A reader claiming 90-100% accuracy on a consistent basis, I would personally question that.  If the reading is under 75%, or less than mostly accurate, the reader may be a fraud, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt - your energies just don't mesh, and that reader is just not your reader.

Brightest Blessings
~Phoenix Rose~

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