Oracle: Deck Interviews - The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck

Today's blog will be showcasing The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck by Kim Krans.  This is a beautifully illustrated oracle deck.  On the surface the meanings behind the cards are simplistic, however these simple reflections to ask oneself can have you diving quite deep into yourself.

New Deck Interview


1. Tell me more about yourself; What is your most important characteristic?
Positive, Enthusiastic, Spiritually Resourceful
Inside the tiny hummingbird resides in endless well of energy and positivity. The hummingbird's secret is that it has learned where to gather nectar, and it returns to these sources daily for nourishment and rejuvenation. The secret elixir springs from many sources, but usually involves nature, creativity, and exploring spirituality. Follow the way of the hummingbird and you cannot go wrong. Every drop of life becomes sweet, every moment worth savouring.

2. What are your strengths as a deck?
Earnest, Hardworking, Democratic
The Bee personality is a delight to be around, especially when there's a team project on the horizon. Bees love to work steadily and thoughtfully until the final task is complete. They are sensitive creatures, aware of many subtleties at once. Since they're artists at heart, they usually add creative details to the overall vision. For the most part they have bustling, joyous personalities... until they're too tired from all the work... then they gripe. And then sting.

3. What are your limits as a deck?
Abundance, Clairvoyant, Treasures
The owl is a mysterious and otherworldly creature found in folklore from East to West. The white owl in this particular deck is the companion of the Goddess Lakshmi and represents wealth, beauty, and good fortune. When the owl card appears it's an omen that a boon or treasure is on the way, either in spiritual or material form. With owl wisdom on your side, you'll "see" and "know" exactly what to do with this boon... how it can further serve your dharma and bring abundance to the world. Trust that the wellspring of treasures is infinite.

4. What do you bring to the table; What are you here to teach me?
**Unicorn **
Reconnecting to higher wisdom or divinity
It's difficult to see, hear, or think of a unicorn without immediately questioning if it's real. Did they ever exist? Perhaps long, long ago? The Mind answers, "maybe..." or "it could be..." or "no way." This very contemplation explains our relationship with divinity, and encapsulates our wavering belief in the Unicorn. We wonder what Divinity is. We wonder where our intuition comes from and if we can really trust it. We think about a higher power and our mind hesitates between yes, no, and maybe. Is it male or female? Does it have a name? Is it just a feeling? The Unicorn card appears and "wakes us up" to curiosity about the higher self and the Divine. It is a card of questioning, exploring, and contemplating the inexplicable. The mind's eye knows there is something beyond our day-to-day lives, a deeper dimension to our experiences. The mind's eye reaches and reaches and reaches out to grasp something more. You are the unicorn, and you have begun your quest for answers.
The unicorn and the sixth chakra
It's no surprise the subtle essence of the Unicorn card resides at the third eye, the exact place from which the unicorn's horn extends. This center is called the ajna chakra, or "command center." The ancient yogis believed it to be responsible for intellect, intuition, and deepest wisdom. Some say our two eyes see the past and present, while this third eye peers into the future.

5. How can I best learn and collaborate with you?
Desire to delve deeper, Profound peace, Ancient wisdom
The whale represents profound emotional health and stability. Whale personalities are not afraid of emotional expression or traversing difficult terrain, as they have overcome many challenges in their lives. These experiences have enriched them, giving them stability, strength, and a depth that is rare. Whale energy is usually linked to the feminine forces of compassion and communication. We can depend on whale personalities when all else seems lost, and trust them to be the beacon in our darkest hour.

6. What is the potential outcome of our working relationship?
**Cosmic Egg**
Completion, Harmony, the infinite within the finite
The cosmic egg is the final card in the journey of the Animal Spirit deck, and it represents the unfolding of cosmic consciousness. This state emerges after we have tread the path for quite some time, and through self-effort and grace we experience self-realization. A sense of contentment and oneness spontaneously arises within us, and the veils of our self-limiting beliefs are lifted. When the essence of the cosmic egg has not been activated, we may feel as if we will never "get there," or that we travel alone, disconnected from others. Even if our encounter with this card is brief, appearing as a momentary glimmer or flash of interconnectedness, it's potent energy stays with us. It's through the power of this card that we are reminded  of the cosmic contract written at the beginning - we hold on to life, and life hold on to us. The journey is complete, but it does not end.
The cosmic egg in the seventh chakra
The subtle essence of the cosmic egg resides at the crown chakra at the top of the head call the sahasrara. One of the aims of yoga and meditation practice is to channel energy from the base of the spine upward towards sahasrara. Each of the six lower chakras plays an important role along this journey, and once the final epicenter of consciousness is activated it is said to radiate the light of a million suns.

Overview:  This deck will provide a creative new perspective on things.  This deck is best suited for someone who is interested in doing work involved with spiritual and personal growth.  It is limited in the sense that it is not going to provide the insight for you, but rather guide you to find it within yourself.  This deck is designed to give you something to think about, to reflect on, to question within yourself.  Gently nudging you to your true path.  This deck will provide an opportunity to explore emotions that one may not have considered, or have been willfully repressed; essential to aiding in spiritual and personal growth.

Photo credit: Echoside Phoenix Rose 2018

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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