Dreamwork and Crystal Combinations: Labradorite, Lepidolite, and Moonstone

Since the last blog regarding crystal combinations I have worked with a new trio. The results were pretty intense. I found I fell asleep faster, and the dreams were vivid, and with great recall. Using same meditation technique described here, or see below.

-Labradorite is a stone that aids in reducing stress and increasing calmness, which is great for falling asleep. Helps to increase intuition, psychic abilities, visions, clairvoyance, prophecy, communicating with higher realms and spirit guides, accessing Akashic records, and moving between realms. This quality will help in getting to a state of lucidity. This stone encourages new ideas, which will help you be open to new experiences in the dreamscape. This is also a stone of protection, which I look at it as protection from nightmares, and night terrors.

-Lepidolite is another calming stone. It triggers deep meditation, theta state, which is a dream state used in lucidity - or astral projection. This stone stimulates coincidences and synchronicity - little moments that catch your eye, seem to line up - this is great for setting intentions on triggers for lucid state in the dreamscape.

-Moonstone yet another calming stone (yes, I want you to have a really restful sleep, it triggers lucidity and helps with recall!) this stone is said to cure sleeplessness, and drives away nightmares. It creates a channel for prophecy, helps access subconscious, intuition, and clairvoyance. This is a stone that provides protection for night travellers - I see this as the travellers of the dreamscape, and the astral travellers.

Clockwise from top: lepidolite, moonstone, labradorite

I will repost the steps to the meditation I do before falling asleep:

Place crystals under pillow, in pillow case (so they don't get knocked everywhere), or you can put them in a drawstring bag under your pillow if you don't want them inside the case.

- Take a few deep and calming breaths
- Focus on the crystals under the pillow
- Visualize their energy merging with my energy and filling my entire body
- I think of the particular qualities of the stone and state it in my mind "lepidolite to reach theta state, labradorite for visions, moonstone accessing subconscious" (they all promote calm and relaxation, so I do not state that)
- If I have a purpose, such as receiving a message from a spirit guide, I state this in my mind now
- Take a few more deep breaths and drift off to sleep as I sense the calming energies around me

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
For more info on healing crystals check out some of my go-to sites:
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