Creative Tarot - Part Three: Rider-Waite-Smith

Click here for Part One, here for Part Two.

Aepheria and the Priestess discussed how they had both been captured by the king and his men. Both bound and hidden away. To the women this had to do with their powers and favour with the Gods. This King wanted to rule the land. He wanted to be a God and snuff out anyone who knew he was a mere mortal, power-hungry, man.

The pair gathered up branches and other materials from the woods. Soon animals came to partake in the ritual. They set about casting their circle. Aepheria began chanting and invoking the highest God, the Allfather, to enter the circle. At the same time the Priestess was summoning the King who was suppressing the land.

Both entities emerged in the circle. A God. A Mortal. Face-to-face. The great awe the mortal king felt in the presence of his maker brought him to his knees. The Almighty God stripped the man of his kingship. As punishment for his ill-will towards the people of the land the God turned the man into a throne made of cold hard stone. "He wants to know what it is to rule as a God, he shall know it, and get a firsthand look from the throne," the God boomed in a powerful, earth-shattering voice. The Almighty sat upon the man-turned-throne and with a fiery clapped disappeared, leaving nothing but smoke and ashes behind.

This was the final act in the short story creative writing process using tarot. Just a small example how tarot cards can be used for more than just divinitory or occult practices. There is a plethora of decks with a vast variety of artwork to choose from. The writing process is also a great exercise in connecting with your deck and exercising your intuition. Personal meanings for cards can outweigh any book meaning, in a fun a creative process such as writing stories based on the pictures can have a positive impact and alter how you do future readings.

Brightest Blessings
Phoenix Rose

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