Tarot Talks: Thinking About Thinking

Something I have learned reading tarot is how important it is to understand that the future is written in sand and not in stone. We have the power of choice in most situations. Yes, there are situations beyond our control - recognizing those situations and letting go of trying to control them is the most liberating feeling. Distinguishing between what we can control and what we can't control is a line that has not been clearly defined in this society.

What you can control: your actions/behaviours and your thoughts. With the added caveat to controlling your thoughts - you cannot control what thoughts pop into your head - what you can control is what you think of, and do with, those thoughts. Confused yet? I promise it is an easier concept than reading about thinking of thoughts. As humans we are metacognative: the ability to think about thinking. As an observer/seeker stand point, we are able to observe the thoughts that pop in our heads. If we believe those thoughts to be true then our behaviour and physiology follows suit. If we disbelieve the thought that pops in our heads then we dismiss it, no harm, no foul.

Creativity machine: is this where thoughts come from? We have a creative centre in our brain/mind that constantly shoots out thoughts and ideas, especially when we are looking for answers. This can be something as simple as looking for the T.V. remote and our creative centre shoots out the thought, "look under the couch cushions." This creative centre has no sense of right or wrong, reality or fantasy. It may shoot out the idea that the T.V. remote has been zapped into thin air and no longer exists because you've been looking for an hour and haven't found it. Yet, you know that this could not possibly be true. You couldn't control that you thought to check the couch or to check outer space, but you could control whether either of those thoughts made any sense, and you most certainly controlled whether you moved your body and checked under the cushions.

Indirect control: feelings/emotions and physiology. We can't directly control our feelings. Any advice that suggests you get your emotions under check you have my permission to throw that advice in the garbage. Emotions are information and we are meant to feel them, even the uncomfortable feelings that no one actually wants to feel.  They all hold merit and serve a purpose. We indirectly control our emotions through our thoughts and actions (yes, through our very own thoughts and actions, no one else's!). Physiology is another meter/gauge that gives us information. Our emotions usually need to be processed through our bodies. Such as stress, high amounts of adrenaline is released and our physical bodies need to process it. This is why stress is one of the top causes of death/illness.

WTF does any of this have to do with tarot readings? Tarot helps us to distinguish what we can and can't control, gives us insight into ourselves, empowers us to take control over our own circumstances, and shows us when to let go. We just need to start looking at readings as messages of divine guidance, and stop looking at readings as a fortune cookie.

What we absolutely cannot control: other people, period. We cannot control what someone else is going to say, think, or do. We can only control how we react to what they say, think, or do (what they think is none of our business, but that is a post for a later time). We cannot control whether they stay in a relationship - we CAN create an environment that will encourage them to stay, but ultimately it's not our decision. We cannot control how others treat us - we CAN treat ourselves well, with love and respect, as it shows others how to treat us, but ultimately it's not our decision how the other person acts. Tarot cannot help anyone gain any know-how into controlling someone else, it may show what is likely to happen, but ultimately tarot will only show you how you can take control of your Self.

I will end today's post here before it gets too lengthy (this is a subject I could go on and on about).

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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