Tarot Talks: Spreads for Navigating Your Life

I have spoke through a couple posts now about spreads. I feel like I've been avoiding this. I have no idea why, they are just tarot spreads!

As stated in last week's post, I listed some of my favourite questions to ask to get an open-ended reading (the intent is to be as objective as possible). This week I will talk on how I do my layouts. I use the KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid. I have used intricate layouts such as this name spread described here, it was very time consuming and convoluted.

Starting out with a small spread and working from there is always the most helpful. Three or four cards, plus one or two clarifiers - only if needed. Take note of any "jumpers" from the deck when shuffling. For me, if a card jumps/falls out of the deck when shuffling I don't always include it in the reading. If it lands face down I put it back in deck. If it lands face up I feel it was trying to be seen. Also, knowing the difference between whether you are a good shuffler is not, e.g. cards always fall because the deck is huge and your hands are small. Sometimes fallen cards are just fallen cards and not meant as a message for the querent.


Past-Present-Future - this is a classic spread that most people use. You can add a fourth card, which I sometimes do, as the "Overall Message" card. What is the overall message that these three cards is trying to tell you.

Should Do-Shouldn't Do - this can be done as a 3-card spread as well, lay the middle card first, this represents you in the now-moment. Lay one card on one side to represent what you should do, another card on the other side for what you shouldn't do. It may be useful to also look at reversed meanings for the "shouldn't do" card, as it may give further insights.

Advice spread - this is intended as a daily spread that I found by Tarotphelia on Tarot Forum. I do not use it daily. I find this is a good birthday spread, or I use it for guidance as for month ahead. 5-card spread, draw a card for each question: What should you do? What shouldn't you do? What is the unexpected? What will make you happy? What spiritual advice do you need?

Winging It - this is where I flip one card at a time, up to six cards. Read the first one individually, then tie the second one to the first, as so on. This is lass structured and can be more difficult to do, as humans tend to only see what we want and this method of reading can have us falling into self-fulfilling prophecies (a whole blog onto itself)!

Moon Spreads - there are many full and new moon based spreads you can find online or in books. The following are my two go-to spreads. Draw a card for each question.
New Moon, 5-card spread: What energies are abundant for me during this New Moon cycle? What can I do to aid or ease it? What goals or challenges should I set for this New Moon cycle? What do I need to let go of from the last New Moon cycle? What advice do my Spirit Guides have for me?
Full Moon, 5-card spread:What is my most important insight for my life at this time? What message does spirit want to give me at this time? What do I hope for in my life? How can I live inside that hope? Outcome.

Brightest blessings,
Phoenix Rose

Further Resources for Spreads:
365 Tarot Spreads by Sasha Graham
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