Dreamwork: Dare to Share

One thing that I came across as a young teen was Scott Cunningham's recipe* for a prophetic dream tea. I have used that recipe for many years now with amazing results. Sometimes we cannot know the results of prophetic dreams if we are not sharing them. One of my favorite stories, a huge confirmation that some of my dreams have more to tell me than basic dream dictionary meanings is the dream about the freezer and the pizza.

This happened circa 2006-2007-ish. I was attending workshops with my best friend's mom (whom I've become really close with over the years). I had dreamt that I was with her oldest daughter. We were in an apartment cleaning out a broken fridge. She finds a pizza at the bottom of the fridge and says that this should be okay to eat. It wasn't okay to eat. It was the weirdest thing and we ended up throwing it away.

Fast forward that day to the evening time when I would have went over to their house for the workshop. I tell my friend that I dreamt of her oldest daughter, explain the dream - she's looking at me wide-eyed - I feel nuts. She said, "Oh my god" and called her daughter into the room to tell me about her morning. Her morning consisted of cleaning up the freezer that had broken and leaked everywhere. She had to throw out a ton of food that was completely ruined. Except for a pizza which she thought would be fine, however it was not fine. She cooked it and it was terrible and had to be thrown out too. Hence why she was at her mom's house that day, because she and her boys needed to eat.

Another experience, which was not necessarily prophetic, but opened my eyes to shared dreams happened around the same time frame as the dream above. I dreamt I was at a house party. I was with one of my male friends, his girlfriend was no where to be found. We didn't know why she wasn't there. My boyfriend at the time was at the party, but seemed to wander off. I went out back, the backyard was really long and lead to a wooded area. I could see my boyfriend down in the woods. I yelled and hollered. I couldn't seem to get into the woods, I have no idea how he got in there. He looked like he was freaking out, but he wouldn't listen to me so I headed back into the house to join the party.

I woke up and immediately wanted to tell the boyfriend about him freaking in the woods. As I've learned sharing what happened in dreams can result in learning. He cut me off to tell me his dream. He was in the woods. Left from the cabin we were all in. It was something like Evil Dead, I suppose. In his dream he was freaking out because he couldn't get his way back to the cabin. So, this blew my mind, just how similar those dream scenarios were.  We were seeing the other friends later that day and I couldn't wait to tell them about it.

I was so freaking excited to share our experience with this couple friend of ours. Like I said, mind blown about the alignment of the dreams between me and then-boyfriend. The male friend, who I was at the house with in the dream cuts me off to say he dreamt of us at the party. Even telling me whose house we were at. Saying the same thing, his girlfriend wasn't there and my boyfriend wandered off. Holy guacamole! I'm still blown away by this experience. My female friend - the girl friend who did not show up to the party in the dream - says she was dreaming about driving around. That's all she did in her dream was drive around looking for her boyfriend. Him and myself blurts out, "I/He was at the party!"

I am not sure how, what, why inspired that event to happen between the four of us. From then on, I share my dreams with others, and encourage others to share their dreams with me. I have since noticed other alignments, dreaming about similar themes between people, and stuff like that.

I now keep a dream journal online for the world to see (crazy, right?!)
Can be read here: echosidephoenix.livejournal.com

*Prophetic tea recipe by Scott Cunningham:
Or buy my organic blend here:

2 parts rose petals
1 part mugwort
1 part jasmine
1 part peppermint
1/2 part cinnamon

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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