Tarot Talks: Effective Questions in Tarot

I find there are two types of people that come to tarot: those with very specific questions, and those who have no idea what they want to know. As a reader it is easier to read when specifics are involved, however looking for too specific an answer does not allow the cards to offer alternative possibilities. The best is to find an easy medium between specific and open-ended.

Focusing on one aspect helps to narrow down the reading because every card holds many meanings depending on how you read them. The Big 3 topics that most people want insight on: career, relationships, and health. Your question does not have to be limited to one of the Big 3, but it's an example of choosing an aspect that you want to focus on.

Asking, "where is my career/relationship/health heading?" Is focused enough onto a topic and open-ended enough to give many possibilities.  However, it may still be too open-end. Your career may take a fabulous turn, but that may not happen for 10 years down the road. You can put a time frame to your questions. "Where is my career/relationship/health heading in 6 months?" is a more effective question that is focused enough that you will know what aspects of the cards to read, and is open-ended enough to give various vantage points.

My favourite question to ask tarot is: "What aspect do I need to see which I am not already seeing?"
You can ask this in regards to overall life, or in a specific area. Open-ended and all-encompassing readings can get convoluted, as cards about money, love and health will all pop up, and they may or may not be related to each other.  Information overload is not something that you want to do in a reading.

Stay away from yes/no questions in tarot. Although there are methods that can be used with the cards to answer yes/no questions, they are not always accurate, how you have to divide cards may not give an equal amount of yes/no cards, therefore favouring one answer over the other. To avoid this often a complex method of reversals and this and that... it's too much. Get a pendulum for yes/no questions! Tarot is a deeply profound tool that can help unlock hidden aspects of yourself - it's a journey of the soul.

If you have a specific scenario, or are at a crossroads an effective question that I find works well is, "what do I need to know about this?" You can replace/add to "this" with your specific scenario, e.g., "what do I need to know about this relationship?"

To recap, here are effective and open-ended questions:

  • What do I need to see that I'm not already seeing?
  • What do I need to know about this?
  • What are the possibilities?
  • What are my options?
  • What is the Universe/Angels/Higher Self/Spirit Guide trying to tell me?
  • What is the most effective way to deal with this?

There is a plethora of tarot spreads that can be found all over the internet and in tarot related books. Decks often comes with sample spreads. You can also create your own spreads if you cannot find a spread that answers what you are looking for.  Next week I will go over some effective spreads that I frequently use.

Brightest Blessings!
Phoenix Rose

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