Cooking, Food and Spirituality - Recommended Eating Part 1
Eating is one of the most powerful acts that we perform on a day-to-day basis. It should be treated as a sacred and joyous act, performed mindfully and with love. This society is laden with body image issues and unrealistic pressures from the media to look or feel a certain way. The only thing this actually does is create shame, and we feel shame when we eat. Whether it's overeating, or obsessively counting calories, this amount of disconnect and shame is widening the gap between our physical-selves and our spiritual-selves. Both halves of ourselves are suffering in this modality.
How do we close the gap between trivial, mediocre, mindless eating to the sacred, respected rite it should be? First, you do not need to be wearing ritual robes, burning incense, or calling on the quarters for every meal. You can if you wish and feel comfortable doing that! However, that is usually reserved for special feasts in some circles. For everyone else simple mindful eating and thankfulness is enough to enrich our meals with soul-nutrient light fibers.
Many people around the world already eat based on a religious doctrine such as kosher, macrobiotic, or halal. What is important is finding what works for you. Keep in mind that food will either clog your body, or give it lightness. If you base your consumption on whether the food will "clog" you or make you "lighter" you will find yourself making healthy and spiritually sound food choices without much more thought. However, if your goal is to heighten or reduce psychic abilities you may need to go on a special diet, even if only temporarily, to obtain your goals.
Foods that are boiled and boiled not only diminish their fibers of light, their nutritional value also decreases. That means condiments such as ketchup, mustard, soy sauce, or tomato sauce should be used sparingly or not at all. Adding 1-2 fresh or dried herbs is okay, but you do not want to mix more than that, as the energies get muddled and is disrespectful to your food. You'd be quite surprised to learn that when you cook mindfully less is often more, and when you are chewing slowly and mindfully your senses really get an opportunity to savor the flavor!
Hints of garlic or sesame seeds is good in food, as they have an abundance of healing properties, though once again you will need just a hint, do not overdo it. Salt and sugar are okay in small quantities, though best to avoid. Keep your food to a minimum of ingredients. This is also the basis of a Clean Eating lifestyle, generally a label with 1-2 ingredients is considered "clean". I have seen clean eating magazines and blogs that say up to 5 ingredients on the list, as long as they are natural and not man-made chemicals, it is considered "clean".
I stress that foods should be light, especially when you are aiming to develop psychic abilities. Heavy, doughy things like pasta, casseroles, pastries, donuts, some breads, peanut butter, potatoes, and meat make us sluggish and dulls the senses and lowers our vibration. Bread should be a once or twice a week affair, not at every meal. Same with meat; chicken and fish should be substituted for red meat where possible. Though for strengthening your sixth sense it's best to skip the meat all together. You may find that when you open up to Spirit your Spirit Guide may call on you to stop eating meat. This was my experience. I was thrilled to read about it in Anna Sayce's blog that I am not alone in this experience.
It takes more energy to digest heavy foods such as the ones listed above, specifically meat. The idea here is that meat grounds mind energy. Literally bringing down the energy of the upper chakras down into the root chakra. If you are looking to desensitize a heightened psychic awareness, then this could be a good thing. When you are looking to raise awareness it is best to stick to fresh, plant-based foods. Showing respect with meat, filling it with light fibers, should generally be safe to consume metaphysically speaking. Although, if you are going to be doing a special ritual, or clairvoyance work it would be best to fast from meat up to a week prior to.
Now we know what a spiritually based diet looks like, how and what are we going to eat?! Will have more food suggestions coming up in part two of Recommended Eating in the Cooking, Food and Spirituality series. In the meantime, what have been your experiences with diet and your spiritual sensitivity? Do notice the difference in heavy and light foods, and what impact has it had on your mind/feelings?
1. Magical Living - Bob Makransky, Dear Brutus Press (June 1, 2001);
2. What is Clean Eating? - The Clean Eating Team, Clean Eating Magazine
3. The Best Diet for Developing Psychic Abilities - Anna Sayce (May 28, 2010)
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