Oracle: Deck Interviews - The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck

Today's blog will be showcasing The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck by Kim Krans. This is a beautifully illustrated oracle deck. On the surface the meanings behind the cards are simplistic, however these simple reflections to ask oneself can have you diving quite deep into yourself. New Deck Interview ...5…...6… ……4…… ...3…...2… …...1……. 1. Tell me more about yourself; What is your most important characteristic? **Hummingbird** Positive, Enthusiastic, Spiritually Resourceful Inside the tiny hummingbird resides in endless well of energy and positivity. The hummingbird's secret is that it has learned where to gather nectar, and it returns to these sources daily for nourishment and rejuvenation. The secret elixir springs from many sources, but usually involves nature, creativity, and exploring spirituality. Follow the way of the hummingbird and you cannot go wrong. Every drop of life becomes sweet, every moment worth savouring. 2. What are your strengths a...