
Showing posts from January, 2019

Sharing in the Journey: The Number Four for A Balanced Beginning

As taken from Llewellyn's Spell-A-Day Almanac today's blessing is The Number Four for a Balanced Beginning.  Photo credit: Phoenix Rose 2019 It's a very simple ritual that involves lighting four candles while reciting a blessing.  Earlier this week I felt I wanted to do this as it is easy enough to fit into the day of my busy mom-life. As I was doing my usual daily routine I kind of forgot about my desire to do this blessing.  I made an impromptu call to one of my friends during my little one's nap.  I'm a walk-as-I-talk-on-the-phone person.  As I saunter from the living room to the kitchen the book caught the corner of my eye and I wondered to myself whether I should do that ritual.  Upon entering the kitchen the time on the microwave is 4:44. Well then, I guess it's settled.  I took that as my higher self affirming the ritual.  Took 4 tea lights and recited the blessing as I lit them one by one.  It's little ways like this we can...

On-Going Lessons: Nov 25, 2018

Earlier this year the need for inner child healing work was screaming to be done.  Last year (2017) brought many unhealed wounds to the surface.  I erroneously thought these were no longer an issue, as it turns out they are huge issues begging to be healed.  I was pregnant for most of 2018 and I refrained from diving too deep to inner work because I was very hormonal and emotional.  I didn't want to cause myself undue stress or anxiety facing the roots of my stress and anxiety. I am now 6 weeks post partum at the time of writing this and the inner work albeit minimal has finally begun. My husband suggested a couple useful journal prompts for self reflection.  I also incorporate tarot into my self-work, more on that later.  It's quite interesting when the synchronicities start happening on these inner journeys we take. I knew journaling would be a part of this process. It's always been a way for me to get to know the true, inner me. A theme that has come...