Sharing in the Journey: The Number Four for A Balanced Beginning

As taken from Llewellyn's Spell-A-Day Almanac today's blessing is The Number Four for a Balanced Beginning. 

Photo credit: Phoenix Rose 2019

It's a very simple ritual that involves lighting four candles while reciting a blessing.  Earlier this week I felt I wanted to do this as it is easy enough to fit into the day of my busy mom-life.

As I was doing my usual daily routine I kind of forgot about my desire to do this blessing.  I made an impromptu call to one of my friends during my little one's nap.  I'm a walk-as-I-talk-on-the-phone person.  As I saunter from the living room to the kitchen the book caught the corner of my eye and I wondered to myself whether I should do that ritual.  Upon entering the kitchen the time on the microwave is 4:44.

Well then, I guess it's settled.  I took that as my higher self affirming the ritual.  Took 4 tea lights and recited the blessing as I lit them one by one.  It's little ways like this we can all add magic into our daily lives without it being an intricate or daunting process. 

See the spell here:

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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