On-Going Lessons: Nov 25, 2018

Earlier this year the need for inner child healing work was screaming to be done.  Last year (2017) brought many unhealed wounds to the surface.  I erroneously thought these were no longer an issue, as it turns out they are huge issues begging to be healed.  I was pregnant for most of 2018 and I refrained from diving too deep to inner work because I was very hormonal and emotional.  I didn't want to cause myself undue stress or anxiety facing the roots of my stress and anxiety.

I am now 6 weeks post partum at the time of writing this and the inner work albeit minimal has finally begun. My husband suggested a couple useful journal prompts for self reflection.  I also incorporate tarot into my self-work, more on that later.  It's quite interesting when the synchronicities start happening on these inner journeys we take.

I knew journaling would be a part of this process. It's always been a way for me to get to know the true, inner me. A theme that has come up for me specifically is soul purpose / life path.  I will start the string of synchronicities when I began to declutter our copious amount of paperwork in the house. It was stashed in various locations and we had several out of date and useless pieces of paper. Everything is now centralized and old documents shredded. Can a house lose weight? Because it felt lighter after that clean out.

I came across an old journal with entries dated 2006 - 2008. Seems I was unknowingly using it for the same process that I am embarking on currently. It was interesting re-reading some entries and how they are parallel to current events. Many entries written in pencil I decided I'll just erase them and use the journal for my current journey. It was a process erasing the entries, but I went through and anything I wanted to keep I typed electronic copies.

I was chatting with some friends online and I had mentioned twice, once to each of them, the word "transformative." It feels to me on a microcosmic scale to be true and I see this reflected in some of my friends' experiences also.  The same night I caught a Facebook live broadcast of a friend and psychic/medium, Allison Boswell, was pulling some cards.  Lucky me, though this was no coincidence, a card was pulled for me: Transformation.  Everything Allison said was hitting the nail on the head.  This was confirmation that I am heading in the right direction.  I continued to listen to her broadcast and reading for others in the background as I worked cleaning this journal.  She mentioned in the next reading, as I was literally doing this task, erasing the past and rewriting your story... another BAM.

Screenshot of reading Nov 2018

I finally get my book ready to be re-written in.  I plan on using tarot as a tool for further insight as it will show me things in an undeniable way.  I have several decks and I was having a hard time choosing which one I should use.  I was thinking Dark Carnival Tarot or Tarot of Sex Magic.  They are very specific decks, while they felt right they also felt as though they didn't quite fit my purpose.  My son came with me to the tarot shelf.  He mentioned the Golden Tarot.  I told him the story about this deck and how I forgot I even owned it and just recently found it in this bag.  I lift the bag up, take the deck out, and hand it to my son.  As I'm telling him that he can have the deck if he wants it I noticed a little baggie and a tissue paper wrapped thing in the bottom of the bag.

The baggie has two small blue-green obsidian pieces and the tissue is wrapped around an aragonite piece.  It took a moment but my son and I remembered getting these things.  The obsidian was his and the aragonite was mine.  This is great as I've been working to get all the crystals in the same spot.  When it came to the tarot deck selection I input all the deck titles into a random name selector.  Dark Carnival Tarot popped up first.  I decided to do a top 3.  Mythic Tarot was number two and lastly Tarot of Sex Magic; 2/3 ain't bad, another BAM.

Photo credit: Echoside Phoenix Rose 2018

I will leave this entry off on this note, as it is already quite wordy and there is so much more.  Just so many synchronicities I can't possibly list them all!

You can find more about Allison on her webpage: https://allisonawakened.com/ 

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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