Magical Living - What is Magic? Part One

According to the dictionary magic is defined as, "the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces."  

We have discussed light fibers in the previous segment Cooking, Food and Spirituality - What Are Light Fibers? in regard to using them in food and with cooking we identified them as good feelings that we imbue into our food.  Here we will discuss light fibers a little further.  Light fibers are, basically put, feelings.  We are nothing more than a mass of light fibers that intersect with the universe and all the other light fibers in it.  Psychically adept people may actually be able to see these light fibers, which are seen as our auras.  Magic at a rudimentary level is nothing more than a manipulation of these fibers and energies.  Which most people do, on some level, daily and quite unconsciously.

A skilled surgeon, when in the operating room, is performing magic.  While there is medical technology there to help him and his assisting team, there is something more, happening on an almost cellular level.  The energy, the focus that's being used is a form of magic.  When athletes are in "the zone" they are performing magic.  In trance-like states these skilled people seem to perform miracles.  Nature in and of itself is pure magic, we are pure magic.  Everything is made of energy after all, and performing these feats of magic is simply bending life energy to your will.  Simple, right?

But, if this is true, why do our feelings not manifest that new house or car that we want instantaneously?  Enter, thought forms.  Thought forms are, but not limited to, doubt, unworthiness, self-pity and fear.  Not all thought forms are negative or a hindrance, but these are the main ones that seem to get in the way of manifesting the things we truly want.  Doubting in your own power to manipulate energy is one way to prevent your magical side from ever being fully realized.

Since all light fibers are is feelings, and all we are is feelings, it should be obvious that this is what we need to tune into to create or enhance our magic in day-to-day life.  Though we are taught not to tune into this side of ourselves.  It is imperative to tune into the world around us and to stop looking at society/media for validation.  Society and media do nothing but leave us feeling disconnected, and that's simply not so.  We are all connected, everything on this planet, including the planet herself, the atmosphere and the black of outer space is all connected.  Tuning into this connectedness is fundamental to performing magic.

Why would we want to tune into connectedness and feel feelings?  Because feeling feelings is the meaning of life.  When we are tuned in, connected, and feeling feelings we will begin to pick up on the Earth's energies.  We will truly learn our life's true purpose, and begin living it.  Sometimes we "shut off" feelings because they may be too painful to deal with, or we are taught that we shouldn't have those feelings.  However, once you are tuned into the energy of light fibers those painful feelings will no longer be in charge of you.  Yes, you will still feel hurt and negative at times, but as we learn how to let go of self-defeating thought forms we will have better control with how we deal with unpleasant feelings.  We move from pain to joy, and we feel a lightness inside us, instead of that heavy feeling that so many of us are conditioned to think is normal.

Let's look beyond just obtaining the feelings of joy and elation themselves, and lets take a look at those wants that help us obtain our goals of feeling complete and balanced.  There is nothing wrong with asking the Universe, God/dess, Spirit Guides or Ancestors for help with obtaining those things you want.  That is essentially what prayer and rituals are.  Sometimes the things we want are simply to thank the powers that be, or to watch over, or bless a loved one.  With both prayer and ritual, in any religious sense, Adelina St. Clair sums it up in a simple way, "the universe processes a lot of requests.  It tends to prefer the ones that are clear and easily understood."1  It is very true to say that we get what we ask for.  It's not just asking for something we want, we need to will it to happen.  We need to have all faith and no doubt that we will get exactly what we ask for.

To sum everything up for What is Magic? Part One, magic is energy, feelings, light forms, and shaping it to create a more complete and balanced life for ourselves.  This is just barely scratching the surface of magical living.  Take some time to reflect on and notice on the little magical things in life.  One of the easiest and quickest ways to tune into these magical energies and feel connected is to get out in nature, sit under a tree, and walk barefoot on the grass.  Feel free to comment what magic is, or what it means, to you.

Google dictionary
Thought Forms by Bob Makransky (Dear Brutus Press, Oct 1, 2000)
1 - The Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St. Clair (Llewellyn Publications, 2010) pg 41

Thank you to:
The Peel Region Pagan Group


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