Dreamwork and Crystal Combinations: Chrysocolla, Howlite, and Unakite

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." - John Lennon

"All we see or seem is but a dream within a dream" -  Edgar Allan Poe

Dreams have always fascinated me. I will be sharing my experiences in a new dreamwork blog series. I have been able to lucid dream from a young age.  Growing up, and in my adult years, I continue to work with dreams, interpret, read and learn what I can about dreaming, and the dreamscape.

What does "working with dreams" mean exactly?  I purposefully do things in waking life to encourage things to happen in my dream life.  If there are herbs, crystals, foods, drinks, music, or meditation said to enhance lucid or psychic dreaming, you bet that I'm going to try it out.  I will discuss more of this in future blog posts.

First thing I want to talk about is this particular crystal combination because I am thrilled with the results.  (Even though this is not necessarily the most important thing in dreamwork) 

Top: Unakite (Feldspar), 
Bottom left to right: Chrysocolla, Howlite

This is a combination of unakite, chrysocolla, and howlite.  I am new to working with chrysocolla, so I was eager to use it, the other two crystals were picked intuitively by my hubby and I couldn't have been more pleased with the outcome.  

Working with crystals in dreamwork is simple.  Crystals go under pillow, on night stand, or under the bed while you sleep.  You can hold them first and set your intention.  In dreamwork setting your intention is simply affirming before sleep something you want to do, a common one is "I want to remember my dream upon waking."  Another common one is "show me the answer to this <question> / show me a solution to this <problem>."

Setting intention before going to sleep is the most important thing in dreamwork.  
Journaling upon waking is the second most important thing.

Why use this combination of crystals?  Let's look at the metaphysical properties that would aid in dreamwork.

-Chrysocolla is a very calming stone.  It helps to relax and balance your mood.  It's also good for communication.  Why is that important?  When we sleep is when our subconscious communicates to us.
-Unakite promotes a peaceful sleep.  It is a great accompaniment to the chrysocolla for relaxing and balancing your mood.  Unakite stimulates the third eye, promoting clairvoyance, which is very useful in vivid and lucid dreams.
-Howlite much like the previous stones has stress reducing qualities, however it is also excellent for dream recall, and connecting with higher consciousness.

How did this translate for me and my dreams?  I had a much easier time falling asleep for starters and that is unusual for me!  I place them IN my pillow case, UNDER the pillow.  I can sleep on my side, back, or stomach, doesn't bother me, though when doing dreamwork I start out laying on my back and do a quick meditation / intention setting.

- Take a few deep and calming breaths
- Focus on the crystals under the pillow
- Visualize their energy merging with my energy and filling my entire body
- I think of the particular qualities of the stone and state it in my mind "chrysocolla to be open to communication, unakite for lucidity, howlite to recall" (they all promote calm and relaxation, so I do not state that)
- If I have a purpose, such as receiving a message from a spirit guide, I state this in my mind now
- Take a few more deep breaths and drift off to sleep as I sense the calming energies around me

For the week that I used this combination of crystals I had very vivid dreams and excellent recall of them.  I did not become lucid as much as I expected.  The biggest thing for me is that I did not have to do any of my other nightly rituals to achieve those dream states.  I highly recommend this crystal combination to anyone looking for a restful and peaceful night's sleep, those that do not recall their dreams, or those that claim they do not dream but would like to.

Stay tuned for future posts in the Dreamwork series, as I discuss different methods, herbs, crystals, and basics of working with your dreams.

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
For more info on healing crystals check out some of my go-to sites:
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