
Showing posts from 2016

The Collective Effects Us Whether We Are Aware or Not

When I say "collective" I am referring to the collective consciousness of this Earth, perhaps even the entire Universe.  I have seen it work through many people that have no awareness of the other person.  Think of it in terms like this, how two people on opposite ends of the earth can come up with very similar ideas and inventions, even before the internet this phenomenon was happening. There was a lot of synchronicity last week for Root / Base chakra energy and healing.  I decided to run a workshop with some close friends.  It turns out many of them had the same thoughts on the chakra work, then it started popping up that others were running similar workshops!  It's really amazing when you think about it. This week we are running Sacral chakra energy and healing.  The theme comes again, running through many different channels.  People working on masculine/feminine energies, someone randomly deciding to paint a wall orange.  People are gettin...

Distance Tarot Readings & How They Work

How can you do a tarot reading when you are not face-to-face with the person? I, and many other readers, get that question often.  I have provided tarot readings in person, through my Facebook page and email .  I have read for a querent when they couldn't be live in the chat.  It all remains very accurate.  Receiving digital readings have become quite common place.  Heck, if you wanted to get an old time feel, I will mail you hand written reading. >_<  heehee Some still wonder how....  If their energy isn't there, how can the reading be done?  Don't they need to shuffle the cards?  No.  The querent does not need to shuffle the cards.  I know many readers who don't allow anyone to touch their cards.  As someone who has done it both ways, I prefer to just shuffle the cards myself. Energy.  Energy is all around.  Essentially we are all connected by tiny molecules.  The esoteric and scientific communitie...

Sea Shells and Synchronicity

During a channeling session last week, which was not intended, and had quite an interesting outcome, the nursery rhyme of She Sells Sea Shells by the Seashore has been on my mind ever since.  The message, though not intended for me, is still applicable. Yesterday, despite the chilliness of the day, the boys and I went down to the waterfront with the intention of collecting driftwood for some projects my husband is working on.  I didn't expect to collect much for myself, until seeing that all the "rocks" and "sand" were actually shells.  My heart warmed me to the core, and I should have expected as much.  With the weather very similar to the northern shore of Northern Ireland's coast where the Giant's Causeway lays, the shoreline here was eerily similar: shells.  No sand, just shells. Everywhere, all along where the water met land, shells, all sizes, and two distinct shapes on this shoreline of Lake Ontario. The seagulls and other birds, must have a f...

Spiritual Roller Coaster

I have been on and off my spiritual path over the years.  Some ears I have taken more seriously than others.  Other times I figured, what's the point, and I'd just stick to the daily grind of humanness.  When I began this blog in 2015, I was reawakening my spirituality, and wanted to record it.  However, when I decided I was going to answer the question "what is magic" I began a ride that I cannot put half of it into words to describe the magic that I have seen, and even if I did, many wouldn't believe it. If I had to choose a movie title to describe the past year, Fast and Furious comes to mind.  Highs and lows like you wouldn't believe....  Or maybe you would.  I know I am not alone in this.  I know this now. There has been a whirlwind of changes, shifts, upgrades.  This time of year, getting closer to Halloween the veil is said to thin and be at it's thinnest on the night of All Hollows Eve.  On top of that, the collective veil is...

Card of the day: XIX The Sun

#XIXTheSun happy, harmony, love, energy, personal growth, vitality, confidence, success Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984) Always a good card to get in a reading.  The imagery on the card is one of happiness, joy, growth.  A warm, sunny day signifying the bright, solar energy.  The naked baby on the white horse signifying innocence and joy.   Change is indicated in this card, but it is always a positive change.  Usually in regards to family matters.  It heralds a message of a celebration (pregnancy, engagement, wedding) or a welcomed new beginning. The Sun is a divine masculine, creative energy.   Affirmation: "I welcome all new opportunities.  Now it is my time to welcome happiness and harmony into my life." Much Love ~Phoenix Rose~

Card of the Day: XX Judgement

#XXJudgement self-reflection, breakthrough, transformation, faith, maturing, transition Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984) Judgement comes at times not to judge you, but to free you. Have you been feeling judged?  Well, you have a more important journey to worry about that. Time to let go.   The journey of the Judgement card can be stressful, a struggle, and frustration, however the outcome will be one of huge relief and well worth it. This signifies the end of an old way of life.  The Universe has plans for us and it's time to make decisions in going forward. Affirmation: "I am optimistic about my future.  This is the time for me to who I want to be." Much Love ~Phoenix Rose~

Card of the Day: Death

#XiiiDeath renewal, rebirth, transformation, end of a phase and beginning of a new cycle. Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984) Despite the ominous feelings, and stigma with receiving a Death card in tarot, this is actually a very good card to receive.  Especially if you have been going through an emotionally traumatic time.  It is showing an end to that phase and cycle.  If you are going through a particularly positive time it doesn't necessarily mean the good times will come to an end, even though this life is cyclical and based on a balance ebbing and flowing.   Very rarely this denotes a physical death, even in times of illness, it may point to a death of the illness itself.  A specific combination of cards would need to happen to point to physical death.  Personally, this card is coming at a precarious time for myself.  Things are definitely changing and it's for better or worse.  I am comforted that thi...

Card of the Day: V The Hierophant

#TheHierophant order, tradition, spirituality, religion, authority, power, responsibility, knowledge |Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984) Hierophant sits between the two pillars of the material and spiritual suggesting a balanced between the two in ourselves.  As much as this card is about spiritual journeys it is also about learning, knowledge and wisdom here in the material world. There is great power and authority with this card.  The crossed keys represent intellect and intuition, delicately balanced. The Hierophant holds the staff of the three worlds - physical, astral, and etheric.  Suggesting he is knowledgeable about all existence. While this card suggests creating order and balance within our world, it also points to hanging on to out-dated belief systems that may be holding you back.  Knowledge and understanding are fluid.  Once we believe we know everything about something we stagnate and no longer grow.  We c...

Card of the Day: Page of Pentacles

#PageOfPentacles new beginnings, a message is on the way, new financial opportunities, spiritual growth, inner child work. Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984) This is the card of the scholar, learning new things, gaining deeper knowledge and understanding into things you may already be familiar with.  This card comes at a time to tell you to stop day dreaming.  It's time to beginning the planning stages.  If you have already taken the first steps, then its a good indication you will start to see the benefits of all the hard work put in. New journeys may not just be financial and career based with this Page, we could be looking at a spiritual journey.  Changes, gaining experience, learning life lessons, and being spiritually wealthy may be on the horizon.  Either way be prepared for change.  This card can point to inner child work. As for me, in the financial aspect this is great news and I am transitioning out of the plannin...

Water Connection

Many things since March have been pointing me towards water.  It's cleansing and healing properties.  As someone who has identified as a Fire sign and element for so long, water and working with it as an elemental is somewhat foreign to me. Summer Solstice is fast approaching and a common theme is making a pilgrimage to sacred water.  However, this can be accomplished at home using a decorative fountain, bowl/basin, bathtub, or shower.  And I will be taking the opportunity to do the following water connection spell. Focus on the water and give yourself time to connect.  Say this spell, written by Deborah Blake, feel free to adapt it or completely create your own.  Her words have resonated for me and I will be using them.  After the words are spoken take a nice refreshing drink of water. "Water to cleanse and wash away fears / The rain like Gaia's gentle tears Ocean's fierce and rumbling roar / As its waves rush to the shore Water flows...

Card of the Day: Ace of Rods

#AceOfRods growth, new beginnings, ambition, inspiration, power. Vibrant energy. Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984) This card is a great sign for the beginning of a new venture, specifically in business.  Seeds have been planted for growth.  Given the last two days, with the cards of being stuck and feeling burdened , this is a great sign that all the hard work will be well worth the effort. This card reminds us to step outside our comfort zones because we are laying the foundation for our future.  This is a card of action. So take the next step, move ahead.  There is lots of energy and enthusiasm around you at this time. Much Love ~Phoenix Rose~

Card of the Day: Ten of Rods (Wands)

#TenOfRods feeling burdened, the world's on your shoulders. Look at your lifestyle choices, know that you're in control of what you choose to take on. Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984) This is completely tying in with the Eight of Swords card drawn yesterday .  The many options, not being able to move forward, and the pressure weighing down.  Definitely.  However, there is always something good, even in the worst Tarot card.   This is a card of the completion of one cycle and moving forward to the next.  Remember that it's okay to say, "no" when we have already taken on enough.  Do not over commit to things, this will just make us feel pressured and resentful. Do not let pride stand in your way; let go of the notion that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself.  Do ask for help.  Do look at yourself honestly and be realistic with what you can, and are willing, to take on. Much Love ~Phoenix Rose~ ...

Card of the Day: Eight of Swords

#EightofSwords  Feeling bound, but all the tools you need to move forward are in front of you, just take off your blindfold. Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot, (1984) In this card a blindfolded woman represents the inability to believe that you will ever be free of your current worries.  This is resonating for me today, as I work to launch my new venture.  It can be difficult to see all the choices available when blinded by stresses of everyday life. I am currently trying to work out the best forms of media to reach out to people.  Seems like there is too many choices.  Eight,  ∞ Infinity.  Copious amount of options to choice from, and it's a matter of choosing what works. Much Love ~Phoenix Rose~ ***New Website is Underway*** Please visit: 
TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 2016 Colour of the day: White Moon 4th quarter going Void-Of-Course 6:33 am EST and will not enter Aries until Wednesday, April 6 at 2:46 am EST. Venus enters Aries 12:50 pm EST - These energies are intense, in all aspects.  We need to be direct and upfront with others and ourselves.  These are also flirty, fun-loving and childlike energies.  We can also find ourselves becoming impatient, or easily bored.  High need for action and spontaneity.  Mercury enters Taurus 7:09 pm EST - We are also entering stubborn energies, or at least on the surface they are stubborn, when really Mercury in Taurus just likes to use common sense and think things through before starting on a new venture.  These don't have to be conflicting energies with Venus in Aries, rather the energies can be harnessed to create a balance between the boredom and spontaneity demands from Venus in Aries and the thoughtful and practical demands of Merc...
SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2016 Colour of the day: Orange Moon 4th quarter going Void-Of-Course 7:16 pm EST and will be VoC until Monday, April 4 at 1:45 am EST As I've written about before on this page about Void-of-Course, it's worth repeating.  Rituals done during the time when the Moon is Void-of-Course, which means it is making it's last aspect before entering the next sign (constellation), our intents just do not come to fruition, and that's at best.  If the intent does manifest it may come out in an unexpected, or unwanted way.  Working with the Moon's phases greatly affects our energies, and working with these energies amplifies our intent and will.  As I always think about it, the Moon affects the tides, and we are roughly 80% water, it is naive to assume the Moons movements does not also affect us. CLEANSING BATH 1/3 cup Epsom salt 1/3 cup sea salt 1/3 cup baking soda Optional - a few drops of essential oil, or sachet of herbs, if you so d...
SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2016 Colour of the day: Gray Moon 4th quarter in Aquarius - With Aquarius comes healing and regeneration.  However, we must sharpen our memories, as the daydreaming energies here may have us a bit scattered. STILBITE A crystal in the zeolite family, from India.  Much like many other crystals it aids in psychic abilities, intuition, psychic direction and guidance.  Stilbite can assist in connecting with your Spirit Guides.  Astral travel and reaching deeper states of meditation, and can help with remembering your experiences. It is associated with the upper chakras; crown, third eye, and throat, including the heart chakra.  It has healing properties of removing toxins. It can help with clarity of mind, even in the most confusing situations. It is a great stone for those with ADD and ADHD.  It has excellent properties of letting go.  It can assist in decluttering, not just of mind, but as physical dec...
FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2016 - LUNAR ENERGIES Colour of the day: Pink Moon 4th quarter Capricorn - Hard working, earthly and grounded energies of Capricorn.  Today is about balancing and grounding. Moon Void-of-Course 12:39 pm EST and entering Aquarius 9:37 pm EST - Aquarius also asks us to be balanced.  Use these energies to find common grounds with others. ALL FOOLS' DAY  - The Foolish Frolic by Deborah Blake (Llewellyn, 2016) April Fools' Day.  It is known as a time for playing pranks, but it is also a good time to harness your inner "fool," letting go of preconceived notions about what is proper or appropriate.  On the first, or any time during the month of April, why not let yourself go?  Be a little foolish, and like the birds or the rabbits, play in the sun simply for the joy of it.  If you have a hard time letting go, you can say this spell first.  It embraces the energies and properties of the element of Air, which also m...
Offering Tarot/Oracle Readings for a Cause:  Helping Our Northern Neighbors  Donate Now  - Ask me how "A group dedicated to helping people in Canada's north and trying to ensure that no one has to go hungry because they cannot afford food. Through the group Feeding Our Family we are becoming educated about the prices that the residents of Canada's northern territory, Nunavut, are being forced to pay for food and other goods. While a major change in the system at a governmental level needs to happen, this will take time, and in the meantime we would like to do something to help. Some of us in the south decided we would like to share with our neighbours in the north by sending boxes of food and other items. There are many things we can do to help enact a change, which are suggested on the Feeding My Family page, but this will take time and the people are hungry now." See more: groups/ HelpingOurNorthernNeighbour s/ See my event page on F...