Card of the Day: Ten of Rods (Wands)

#TenOfRods feeling burdened, the world's on your shoulders. Look at your lifestyle choices, know that you're in control of what you choose to take on.

Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984)

This is completely tying in with the Eight of Swords card drawn yesterday.  The many options, not being able to move forward, and the pressure weighing down.  Definitely.  However, there is always something good, even in the worst Tarot card.  

This is a card of the completion of one cycle and moving forward to the next.  Remember that it's okay to say, "no" when we have already taken on enough.  Do not over commit to things, this will just make us feel pressured and resentful. Do not let pride stand in your way; let go of the notion that if you want something done right you have to do it yourself.  Do ask for help.  Do look at yourself honestly and be realistic with what you can, and are willing, to take on.

Much Love
~Phoenix Rose~


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