Card of the Day: Page of Pentacles
#PageOfPentacles new beginnings, a message is on the way, new financial opportunities, spiritual growth, inner child work.
Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984)
This is the card of the scholar, learning new things, gaining deeper knowledge and understanding into things you may already be familiar with. This card comes at a time to tell you to stop day dreaming. It's time to beginning the planning stages. If you have already taken the first steps, then its a good indication you will start to see the benefits of all the hard work put in.
New journeys may not just be financial and career based with this Page, we could be looking at a spiritual journey. Changes, gaining experience, learning life lessons, and being spiritually wealthy may be on the horizon. Either way be prepared for change. This card can point to inner child work.
As for me, in the financial aspect this is great news and I am transitioning out of the planning stages and have begun taking action. As far as the spiritual stuff, this is the running theme lately, growth, expansion, inner child and shadow work.
Much Love
~Phoenix Rose~
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