Card of the Day: V The Hierophant
#TheHierophant order, tradition, spirituality, religion, authority, power, responsibility, knowledge
|Hanson-Roberts, Essential Tarot (1984)
Hierophant sits between the two pillars of the material and spiritual suggesting a balanced between the two in ourselves. As much as this card is about spiritual journeys it is also about learning, knowledge and wisdom here in the material world.
There is great power and authority with this card. The crossed keys represent intellect and intuition, delicately balanced. The Hierophant holds the staff of the three worlds - physical, astral, and etheric. Suggesting he is knowledgeable about all existence.
While this card suggests creating order and balance within our world, it also points to hanging on to out-dated belief systems that may be holding you back. Knowledge and understanding are fluid. Once we believe we know everything about something we stagnate and no longer grow. We close ourselves off to possibilities and the natural flow is blocked.
Will you depend on an outside authority to govern your life, or will you take back your power and have authority over yourself?
Much Love
~Phoenix Rose~
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