2017: New Year New You... Or Are We Back to More of the Same?

It has been said that by around January 15th people give up on their resolutions, often because they made one failure, had one cheat day on their diet, smoked a cigarette, the list goes on.  Upon hearing this statistic I was determined not to allow that to happen to me, call it determination or stubbornness, either way upon reaching the Jan 15th date.... Things seemed to pick up momentum!  It was absolutely fabulous to have such a positive push despite any failures up until this point.

There are big changes coming for my family and my business this year.  I know, I know, since creating this blog there has been nothing but changes around here.  I set on a journey to answer things like "what is magic?" and "how to incorporate a spiritual life into the mundane world?" I have been doing nothing but learning about how it all works, and how to work it all.

If you have given up on your "New Me for 2017" due to what you see as failures, mistakes, set backs, please take time to self-reflect on that.  First, get to know yourself, not the new you that you want to be, the You that you are Now.  What resonates for you in making positive changes towards a better version of yourself?  What will move you towards being more of the You that you want to be?  Every little step counts, even if there are set backs, every day is a new day.  Continue to work towards those goals.  Every little step is still a forward motion.  So, don't sweat the "more of the same" and utilize it as motivation in directing you towards manifesting for the best!

Much Love
Phoenix Rose


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