We're Going 5D, Why Bother Working With First 7 Chakras?

I have been thinking about this for some time now, as we are shifting to 5D consciousness, I had seen a group discussion on FB on the topic that since we are striving for 5D why bother working with the first 7 chakras when we should be working with the chakras above Soul Star.

I did not partake in the discussion at the time (months ago, can no longer find where I seen it) however, I have went within and found my answers.

Chakras 1-7 reside in the body, the Root and Crown bridging us to Upper and Lower Worlds, chakras 8-13 are in our Auric field

First, before working with chakras 8-13 and above, I have some self-reflective questions.  What is the condition of your chakras between the Earth and Soul Star chakras? Are they functioning at optimal levels? Do you work with them everyday, or on a scheduled weekly routine? Are they under- or over-active, spinning out of control or not spinning at all?

This is why we work with the "basic" chakras. Because a lot of people do not work with their chakras often enough, because we still have blockages and barriers. When the lower chakras in our body and the ones emanating into the Earth are not functioning, or experiencing blockages, we are not grounded in this Earth and this reality. Pushing to work with higher dimension chakras when not properly grounded leaves us with our "head in the clouds," we walk around detached and in some other world, in Shamanic terms you would appear delusional and psychotic.

We're in this realm for a reason

Remember, we incarnated in this realm for a reason. Working with the chakras in this realm is part of that purpose. To be striving to get away from this realm is to deny your purpose and true path. It will leave you feeling frustrated, and create a "spiritual addiction," where the astral, lucid dreaming, etc., becomes a form of escape rather than a place to do lightwork.

We also do not want that line to higher realms constantly wide open. It is okay, and recommended to leave the Crown and Root chakras just slightly ajar, it is not advisable to completely shut them off. We are energy conduits, and to completely shut the Crown or Root, it's like kinking a hose, pressure builds and eventually the dam will break.

If we are unable to adeptly control and manipulate the chakras within our physical body, we don't have the capabilities to adeptly work with the other chakras. My opinion. So, we work with these chakras then move along to the higher realms, so that when we are in the higher realms, the info can prove useful, and we aren't just floating around the astral and etheric worlds aimlessly. It might be fun and feel good, but it is not useful.

Taking time for your spirituality is important

Take the time - even if only 2 minutes to start with - every day for your spirituality, if that 2 minutes can be used to focus on a chakra, simply giving the chakra attention in the form of a red candle for Root and imagining roots going into Earth while lighting the candle, or wearing green and seeing your heart chakra expanding when you dress, can make a world of difference in your practice. You are not a Tibetan monk, you do not need to spend 12 hours in meditation in order to honour your spirituality.

When working with the 7 main chakras becomes second nature, the higher chakras will be easier to navigate and making the shift to 5D will flow more smoothly and you may find that ascension symptoms won't hit as hard.

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose

Twitter - @PhoenixRoseCM


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