Tarot Tuesday - February 14, 2017

Tarot Tuesday - February 14, 2017

Because today also lands on the notorious of all days for lovers I am showcasing the 1JJ Swiss Tarot, or referred to as the "Juno and Jupiter" deck because the Pope and Popess (Emperor and Empress) are substituted for the Gods.  Perfect for today, as Juno and Jupiter were consorts, and Lupercalia is being celebrated today, as celebration associated with Juno.

1JJ Swiss is derived from the French Tarot Marseilles, and designed for playing tarot card games, such as Troccas and Troggu, which I may discuss in a future blog post.  For now lets discuss this reading.

Spread in a V formation for Valentines
We see the Valet de Coupe, or Page of Cups.  A message is to be delivered, spiritual or emotional of nature. This person is a dreamer and extremely creative.
Next, Roi de Coupe, or the King of Cups, Reversed. This King has closed himself off.  Emotionally unavailable.  Looking for love in all the wrong places.  Self-pity.
Finally, Quatre d'EpĂ©es, or Four of Swords.  This stresses the importance of self care.  Meditation.  Recuperation.  Don't get caught up in your thoughts if they are hurting you.  Take meaningful action to change your situation.  Unwind.  Quiet yourself and listen to your inner wisdom.

Overall:  I see this reading as exactly what happens on a day such as today.  There will be those professing their love, some will be closed off and completely scorning this day, while others keep to themselves.  These particular cards point to a marriage proposal, very common for Valentines Day, though comes with a caution that you may want to think it over before heading into a serious commitment.

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose

Twitter - @PhoenixRoseCM


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