Dreamwork: Key Habits in Dream Recall and Becoming Lucid

I have been reading, very briefly, on Huna - a Hawaiian philosophy that uses dream skills as a way to be objective of our Self.  I have found that many of it's practices are things I already innately do. This system has just given me a set of language for things I was naturally doing which in turn inspires lucid dreaming.

I would love to discuss Huna further, however this week I will list some key behaviours, or habits, which I have used with success:

- Relaxation meditation in bed before sleeping
Lucidity requires the body to be in a deeply relaxed state. Having a good night's rest also allows our memory to be clearer for dream recall. 

- Setting the intention in my mind that I will remember my dreams
This is very important in telling your subconscious, or Higher Self, your goals. Intention setting is very powerful, not just in dreamwork, but in all aspects of goal-setting.

- Do not move upon waking, stay as still as you can and reflect on what you where just thinking or doing the moment before waking
Jumping up out of bed is really jarring to the body and mind. Some think of me as a person who takes forever to wake up. And it's true! It's not that I am asleep, it is that I am recalling and reflecting on the dreamscape. Sometimes I fall back asleep and dream some more. This is where powerfully lucid dreams can happen.

- Ask yourself questions 
Such as, but not limited to: What happened? Who were you with? What did they say? What did the environment look like? What did the atmosphere feel like? What time period were you in? What dimension? Were there smells, sounds, sensations that you felt? How did you feel emotionally, mentally, physically? Did anything remind you of real life? Have you ever dreamt this before?

- Write down anything of importance and interpret any symbols that stood out
I do not write down every single dream, and every single symbol, just the ones that stood out to me. I often find as I'm in the process of interpreting I will remember more of the dream itself. Until you get the hang of dream recall and lucidity you may want to journal daily.

- In waking life create habits that have you questioning whether you are in a dream or not
As I have stated in Strive to Become Lucid, our dream habits will reflect our waking habits. 

I am still in research phase of the Huna philosophy and do not want to talk further until I have implemented other aspects and experienced them, as this blog is based on dream skills that I have experienced.

Happy dreaming!

Phoenix Rose
Connect on social media:
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IG - echoside_phoenix_rose
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  2. How can I be a blogger. Is easy to be a blogger. It would feel great I think. Have a great time

    1. Blogging can be really easy Lu. You just need to pick a platform to blog on, like this one, Blogger (or WordPress which is another popular platform).

      You need to have a topic or subject to blog about.

      Also make sure that you make rough drafts, edit, and spellcheck before posting.

      Maybe I can help you one day if you feel that writing a blog will be good for you?


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