Tarot Talks: Stop Comparing and Start Gaining Clarity

We all search for clarity in various ways. While the motivations may be different for the individual, it all comes from a place of comparisons - wanting what others' have that we don't, believing the grass is greener on the other side, or even comparing our current reality to what we think our life "should" look like. This place of comparing emphasizes our insecurities and doubts. It makes our frustration signal rise and the downward spiral begins. We become clouded and need to clear the way to make more effective decisions in our lives.
Tarot is a tool that helps move from a place of comparing to a place of clarity
Tarot is a tool to help gain clarity into a confusing or frustrating situation. The place of comparing isn't necessarily a negative thing, as humans we need to be able to compare, make sound judgments that could literally mean life or death. We tend to take this comparing to other levels: jealousy, envy, self-doubting, insecurities, and feelings of worthlessness. This was not what our filters of comparison was designed for.

When we are angry or frustrated it often means that we are not in balance. We see, hear, think something that does not line up with our quality, or ideal, existence. Uncomfortable feelings often urge us to act upon "fixing" what may be wrong. This is the process of acting out of anger and winding up with results that actually made things worse for us.  
Tarot can assist in seeing things from different angles and gaining a new perspective, it can help interrupt our negative thought and behavior patterns and suggest new thoughts and behaviours that can assist in getting more effective results.
We have not been taught to listen to our intuition much less trust it. Tarot is a direct line of communication to that inner voice, Higher Self, that sometimes seems to scream at us, though we may be too wrapped up in our own BS to even notice. Thoughts appear, we have beliefs on those thoughts, we have stories we tell ourselves - which may or may not be true - we have all these things circling our minds and it gets muddled up with the voice of our Higher Self which is trying to guide us on our life's purpose, trying to guide us to succeed and attain our goals. Our mind gets all muddled up with thoughts that we don't know whether we are legitimately supposed to do something or not. We can no longer tell if it's our intuition or is it just self-doubt.

A dear Soul Sister of mine said, "we wouldn't need tarot if we trusted ourselves and didn't let insecurities hinder us." One of the first things that you learn in tarot is to trust your intuition. Above all else, no matter what the interpretation books say, go with your intuition and gut feeling on what you see within the cards.  
Tarotists don't have all the answers, and we are not full of clarity and enlightenment, we are humans and often seek other readers to help us gain clarity in situations.  
Sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees, and that is okay as it's a natural part of life, learning, and personal growth. It is normal as humans to need things mirrored back to us to get deeper understandings, and this includes understandings about our own Inner Being. When we compare to others and focus on our have-nots, or to the should-haves it will cause only frustration for ourselves. When we start using tools such as, but not limited to, tarot we can start self-reflecting on our thoughts and behaviours and begin creating a quality life for ourselves. We can start tending our own garden, plant the seeds for the things we want to see grow and weed out the things we do not want. 

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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