Tarot Talks: How to Be Objective in a Reading

Last week I said that I would be posting sample questions and spreads for using tarot to navigate your life. However, I am going to go a different direction given a conversation I had this week with some dear friends in the tarot community. I do apologize and will get to it in a future post. This seemed like a more pressing thing to talk about as even the most skilled readers will ask other readers for input in interpreting cards for themselves. This is because it can be difficult to remain objective when you are too close to the situation.
We can't see the forest for the trees.
How I learned to become objective for myself is to read cards for other people. Not close friends and family. Reading for absolute strangers (you can find many groups where readers do free exchanges). Reading for people or situations you know little about can have a great impact on exercising your intuition. One mistake I made reading for myself is that I would look up every single possible meaning of each and every card. I was on information overload. Not knowing which interpretation to accept. It was stressful to say the least.

When reading for others is when I stopped stressing over possible meanings.  If I did a 3-card spread I would literally only read the meanings of each card that pertained to the other cards in the spread. Nine times out of ten this hit the nail on the head for those I read for. This lesson is two-fold because I learned how to connect the card meanings to each other, which is common for any newbie to struggle with.

The following are some methods to remain objective in a self reading (or reading for a situation you're too close to):

- Act as though you are reading for someone else, what would you tell them based on the cards you see?
- Act as though it is your Spirit Guide / Guardian Angel who is giving you a reading, what would they say to you through these cards? What kind words, advice or encouragement are they trying to send you?
- Make note of all the things that come to mind from your reading, ask another reader their input without seeing what you've noted, and compare what interpretations line up.
- Pick a book, or website, of interpretations that you don't normally use and use strictly those interpretations (www.biddytarot.com is a great resource)
- Read for someone else, often there are messages in there for the reader as well as the querent.

Most important thing is to relax, breathe, and don't take the reading too seriously. We can only perceive from our current mindset. If we are in a bad mood we are likely to only see the negative aspects of a card. Sometimes I take the cards at face value and see what humor I can see in the pictures (see below memes). It's a valuable lesson in shifting focus. As that's what you have to do to gain an objective perspective. Remove yourself from the center of the storm and get a bird's eye view for more clarity.

What are some methods you use in remaining objective in readings?

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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