Tarot Talks: Navigating Your Life Using Tarot

In last week's Tarot Talks I spoke of comparing yourself with the have-nots in life and how tarot can take you out of that head-space and provide clarity and offer a different perspective. This week I would like to go a bit further into using clarity provided by tarot. This is a bit of a paradox because tarot can sometimes have us raising more questions than answering the ones we came in with.

It is true that tarot is complex, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Learning it's language -  I don't mean memorizing the instruction book either - and how it speaks to you is the key to a successful and insightful reading. Oftentimes tarot gives insight into different paths when we find ourselves at a crossroads.

I don't believe that tarot should be used as a GPS, but rather should be used as a compass. GPS systems have a set destination and you follow exactly where the voice tells you to go. A compass on the other hand tells you where True North is and it's up to you to go in the direction that would best get you to where you want to go. Unlike an actual compass tarot may also advise that East will get you closer to your goal, or show you the downfalls in taking West. Either way, you are the decider.

When using tarot for self development shift your focus from seeing tarot as a thing that tells you what's going to happen to seeing tarot as a tool that allows you to make better informed and more effective decisions in your life. This is the first step in empowering yourself and gaining clarity in your life by using tarot. Self-reflective and open-ended questions are best to ask in a reading.

Next week I will be talking more about effective questions and spreads to start using tarot as a spiritual compass. Stay tuned :)

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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