Animal Totems: Purple Long Tentacle Anemone

In a dream  I had the other night I owned a series of aquariums. There was this very interesting creature in one of the tanks. In the dream and upon waking I didn't know it was a Purple Long Tentacle Anemone. I didn't realize it was an actual thing that existed in this world, as it seemed so foreign, like it was from a sci-fi movie. I used Google's image search using whatever descriptions I could think of and finally found the closest thing to what was in my dream. I must state I do not have ownership of this image, the link to original is provided below.

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In the dream I was psychically connected with this aquatic anemone. I could tell what it was thinking/feeling. I moved it through the different tanks because I was attempting to move all the aquariums. It ate a few of the smaller creatures. It was slightly aggressive, we had to be careful around it, and kept it separate until I decided to move it. Despite its temperament it was usually calm around me. I even carried it around outside of the water in my hand and it's tentacles would touch my arm and other things around it. Bear in mind, I have never even heard of this creature or knew anything about it at the time of my dream.

The Long Tentacle Anemone, or LTA has a few interesting qualities that can hold significant spiritual messages and those qualities were presenting themselves to me in my dream.

Like an ostrich putting its head in the sand this anemone can completely bury itself in the sand if it feels threatened. This is a reminder to know how to protect yourself. It also shows us to remain grounded. Be firm in our beliefs and convictions. When LTA finds a spot it is happy in it will attach and remain there. This anemone can be difficult to move when it's happy! Be unbending in your contentment and joy - do not give others control over your happiness. If the LTA is moving its location it's because it's not happy. While remaining grounded and firm is great advice on the other side of the coin the LTA tells us do not stay in a miserable situation. We cannot thrive there, move to a place where we can do and feel better.

In my dream we were moving things around to find a happy spot. My LTA ate some of the smaller fish I was concerned about moving and I actually felt quite relieved that the anemone cleared out some of the tanks for me.

The LTA is slightly aggressive and can sting with it's tentacles, causing mild allergic reactions in humans. In real life terms we should take care and not handle an anemone without gloves. The spiritual message here is to remind us that our words, thoughts, and actions can sting others around us. When we are in an unhappy place we are more likely to lash out at people even if those people are just trying to move us to a better place.

Despite the semi-aggressive attitudes, and carnivorous diet, an anemone lives quite symbiotically with various forms of clown fish. The clown fish will actually share pieces of food with the LTA. This teaches us about living symbiotically with others. LTA provides shelter to the clown fish and the fish provides food to the anemone. The phrase "don't bite the hand that feeds" comes to mind here. Also, the understanding that we are all very important cogs in the wheel of life and we are valuable to others, just as they are valuable to us. It's important to create connections with others, even if it's only with one other person, that trusting connection can help us in ways beyond a materialistic give and take. Think about it this way, the anemone at any point can decide to eat the clown fish, but the fish puts all its trust in the anemone. It's actually quite beautiful when you think of how these creatures could totally be natural enemies, yet instead they decided to unite and help each other out.

In my dream the anemone and I seemed to have quite a connection and bond. Am I the clown fish? :) 

LTA have strong personalities and enjoy having their own space. The message here from the anemone is to create space and time for yourself. It is okay to focus on yourself, and it is actually required for spiritual progress to set aside time to go within and to focus on self-care and your own well being. No one else in this world can care for us the way we can care for ourselves. Yes, a clown fish may share a tasty morsel with us and we should appreciate those connections, but if we are not grounded and centered in ourselves - if we do not know what we want or need to thrive - we will become aggressive (or passive aggressive in human terms) and risk stinging those that have come to help.

I held the anemone in my bare hands. This says things equally about fearlessness as it does about carelessness. How I am handling things is something that I need to be aware of.

LTA are typically in shallow waters and they love the light. If the lighting is not quite bright enough they will move to a sunnier spot. They prefer lighter sand and soft substrate. They enjoy an aesthetically pleasing environment. The water quality is very important too. The message from the anemone here is about creating an outer environment that reflects the inner environment of happiness. Look into feng shui. Add more light, paint the room a lighter colour, hang photos that radiate to you. Get outside and enjoy the sun. Sun light helps us feel better. Spending too much time in the dark can cause or add to depression. Drink water, get a filter if you don't feel the tap water is good enough. Go for a swim, or take a relaxing bath.

Long Tentacle Anemone have a few different colours. Purple resonates with higher thinking, higher consciousness, spirituality, its considered a regal colour. I believe the totem LTA that visited me in my dream was about bringing some subconscious / unconscious things to the light to move me to a happier spot.

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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