Sharing in the Journey

For the past few weeks I've been focusing on tarot and dreamwork. This week and last I have taken a break from my weekly tarot and dream blog. Although, I am still fully immersed in working with those things daily. This blog's intention was to follow my magical and spiritual journey and I haven't been sharing too much of it.

I went on a crazy ride for the past few years. Especially when I endeavoured to answer the question "what is magic?" To describe magic would take too long, but to sum it up, it's something that's felt and experienced. It can be seen with the right eye, can be heard with the right ear, but if those things are closed off you cannot perceive magic in those ways. Magic is available to anyone and everyone.

I have neglected to write about a lot of the magical things that has been going on and that I have witnessed and experienced simply because it's unbelievable. Some of it has been very personal. Some of it makes no sense. The nonsensical stuff is the hardest to share. I have channeled and connected with spirits that simply talk in feelings and sensations, which I then have to find words for to pass messages along. It's definitely a process... this spiritual path I, and many others, are on.

Time and again Spirit pushes me to share. With that I will be sharing more in regards to my Spiritual journey itself on top of focusing on tarot and dreamwork.

Much Love & Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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