On-Going Lessons: August 5 & 6

The other night I was on the phone talking about archangels with a close friend of mine. We discussed whether an archangel can be a spirit guide of sorts or whether they are too busy for our petty human lives. Many people call upon archangels, especially Michael. I have stated in a previous post that I was not always open to angels. These were not things I resonated with. As I've been growing, learning, and expanding I more and more see the value in working with these beings.

Several times AA Gabriel and AA Michael has come to me. In several readings I have done for my friend whom I was on the phone with Gabriel has attended those readings, or showed up closely after. In an angel reading I received from an different friend Michael was drawn, then her intuition told her to draw another, which of course was Gabriel.

Through a series of synchcronistic events I came into possession of an Archangel Gabriel oracle deck. I knew as I continued on my creative writing journey that I would want to see little messages from him. Unfortunately, the cards kept giving me repeaters: Daily Practice, Creative Writing, and Journaling. Which I had been adamant to follow, especially getting the Creative Writing from a completely different person with a completely different deck. After the phone call with my dear friend I had decided that I'm pulling out the Gabriel cards to see if there is finally a new message for me.

I received Classes, Creative Expression, and Writers' Group. Which they all resonated very nicely with me. I have been working on getting out there more, I have attended some classes, and want to attend more (I'm working to get Reiki certification), and the possibility of teaching has come across to me more than once. Creative Expression completely falls in line and a good indicator to continue doing what I'm doing. Writers' Group... never thought of it to be honest, however it did cross my mind to start a local spiritual support group.

The next day my dear friend whom I was on the phone to the night before posted an article on the Full Moon affecting the zodiac signs. I always take this with a grain of salt, yet I still read them (those nuggets of truth can be found in the unlikeliest of places). 

Sorry Sagittarius, the school of hard knocks is calling and you’ve been enrolled. The 2017 Sturgeon Moon and lunar eclipse will be a time of difficult learning for Sagittarius, according to Darkstar Astrology. So, what will you learn while this cosmic class is in session?
“You can work on your communication and try to be more open with what you need to express,” The Dark Pixie Astrology explained. “You may need to share something important, and you can work on being understood and listening more. You can be more mentally active, and you can find the right way to say what you feel.”[1]

While I hated the tone of the horoscope, as it made it sound dire and I was looking at it quite positively, it was totally in line with the cards I drew the previous night. The message of class and expression. Not to mention the sharing aspect, which Spirit pushes me to do endlessly.

To touch on the original topic of why archangels are in the forefront of my mind and the subject of this post. Do I think that an archangel can be a spirit guide? Sure, why not?! So many things are possible that our limited human minds do not always conceive. I also believe there are people that lean too much on the archangels and ignore the other choirs of angels that are there to help, as well as ignoring other guides and totems that assist in this spiritual-human journey. Do not discredit the other energetic beings that are helping and guiding us.

My main spirit guide (I call him my main because I have strongest connection with him) recently told me that he will not be helping me with something. I was looking for messages in regards to a 3rd party personal matter that I won't get into, but I will say that when I asked my guide to help me he flat out told me he will not be helping me with those kinds of work. He has previously helped me with card readings and other things so I found this very rude to say the least. He explained I had other guides that would help with that and to talk to the angels. It wasn't even that he couldn't help me, but that he wouldn't help me. Thanks.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hah

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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[1] What Does The 2017 Sturgeon Moon Mean For Your Sign? This Is A Big Event, Guys, August 3, 2017, Brandi Neal. https://www.bustle.com/p/what-does-the-2017-sturgeon-moon-mean-for-your-sign-this-is-a-big-event-guys-71753


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