On-Going Lessons: Week of July 17, 2017

This was written by me a few weeks ago. Some of you who know me will have already heard/read this . However, being called to share these exact type of things. 

Daily practice. Daily practice is sooo important. Whatever it is you want to be good at. Whoever the person is that you want to be. Practice it daily. Even if only for a few minutes of the day.

Be open. Angels - not something that has resonated with me... now seems to be resonating. Being open to learning, to new things. Just because you know something, and have known something for 20, 30, 40 years... there is STILL something to be learned. There are always nuggets of truth and wisdom to be found in everyone's bullshit. Once you believe you're an expert, the energy goes stagnant. Be open to things you think you can't learn from.

I am magical. I am powerful. Those moments where I feel like an absurd whack-a-doo have been some of the times that have proven to be my most accurate. Remember the times of accuracy to remain empowered. Times of error or inaccuracy are there for a learning experience. Nothing is lost or wasted.

There is only the now-moment. Across all time and space, through all our lifetimes, there is only the now-moment. All of it is happening now. We are alive, we are dead, we are the leaders, we are the peasants. We are all of it happening now.

Let go of letting go. Let go of the idea of "letting go." Getting too wrapped up in whether you are holding on too tight, or getting wrapped up in the "how-to" of letting go... it all just does the opposite. To truly let go is to not even have the idea of letting go, because whatever it is you're holding onto will have already moved on, hence no need to even think of "letting go." You cannot release something that you have never even held.

Send reiki to your morning coffee.

Brightest Blessings,
Phoenix Rose
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